
We want to encourage everyone to contribute to the development of Blocks and Fuel. To ensure the codebase is of high quality, we ask all new developers to have a quick read through these rules to make sure that any code you contribute will be easy to merge!


Formatting guidelines

Blocks follows the PEP8 style guide closely, so please make sure you are familiar with it. Our Travis CI buildbots (for Blocks, Fuel, and Blocks-extras) run flake8 as part of every build, which checks for PEP8 compliance (using the pep8 tool) and for some common coding errors using pyflakes. You might want to install and run flake8 on your code before submitting a PR to make sure that your build doesn’t fail because of e.g. a bit of extra whitespace.

Note that passing flake8 does not necessarily mean that your code is PEP8 compliant! Some guidelines which aren’t checked by flake8:

  • Imports should be grouped into standard library, third party, and local imports with a blank line in between groups.
  • Variable names should be explanatory and unambiguous.

There are also some style guideline decisions that were made specifically for Blocks and Fuel:

  • Do not rename imports i.e. do not use import theano.tensor as T or import numpy as np.
  • Direct imports, import ..., precede from ... import ... statements.
  • Imports are otherwise listed alphabetically.
  • Don’t recycle variable names (i.e. don’t use the same variable name to refer to different things in a particular part of code), especially when they are arguments to functions.
  • Group trivial attribute assignments from arguments and keyword arguments together, and separate them from remaining code with a blank line. Avoid the use of implicit methods such as self.__dict__.update(locals()).
class Foo(object):
    def __init__(self, foo, bar, baz=None, **kwargs):
        super(Foo, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        if baz is None:
            baz = [] = foo = bar
        self.baz = baz

Code guidelines

Some guidelines to keep in mind when coding for Blocks or Fuel. Some of these are simply preferences, others stem from particular requirements we have, e.g., in order to serialize training progress, support Python 2 and 3 simultaneously, etc.

Validating function arguments

In general, be Pythonic and rely on duck typing.

When I see a bird that walks like a duck and swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck.

—James Whitcomb Riley

That is, avoid trivial checks such as

isinstance(var, numbers.Integral)
isinstance(var, (tuple, list))

in cases where any number (like a float without a fractional part or a NumPy scalar) or iterable (like a dictionary view, custom iterator) would work too.

If you need to perform some sort of input validation, don’t use assert statements. Raise a ValueError instead. assert statements should only be used for sanity tests i.e. they should never be triggered, unless there is a bug in the code.

Abstract classes

If a class is an abstract base class, use Python’s abc to mark it as such.

from abc import ABCMeta
from six import add_metaclass
class Abstract(object):

Our documentation generator (Sphinx with the autodoc extension, running on Read the Docs) doesn’t recognize classes which inherit the ABCMeta metaclass as abstract and will try to instantiate them, causing errors when building documentation. To prevent this, make sure to always use the add_metaclass decorator, regardless of the parent.

Python 2 and 3

Blocks and Fuel aim to be both Python 2 and Python 3 compliant using a single code-base, without using 2to3. There are many online resources which discuss the writing of compatible code. For a quick overview see the cheatsheet from Python Charmers. For non-trivial cases, we use the six compatibility library.

Documentation should be written to be Python 3 compliant.

Reraising exceptions

When catching exceptions, use the reraise_as() function to reraise the exception (optionally with a new message or as a different type). Not doing so clobbers the original traceback, making it impossible to use pdb to debug the problems.


To ensure the reproducibility of scientific experiments, Blocks and Fuel try to make sure that stopping and resuming training doesn’t affect the final results. In order to do so it takes a radical approach, serializing the entire training state using pickle. Some things cannot be pickled, so their use should be avoided when the object will be pickled as part of the main loop:

  • Lambda functions
  • Iterators and generators (use picklable_itertools)
  • References to methods as attributes
  • Any variable that lies outside of the global namespace, e.g., nested functions
  • Dynamically generated classes (possible but complicated)

Mutable types as keyword argument defaults

A common source of mysterious bugs is the use of mutable types as defaults for keyword arguments.

class Foo(object):
    def __init__(self, bar=[]):
        bar.append('baz') = bar

Initializing two instances of this class results in two objects sharing the same attribute bar with the value ['baz', 'baz'], which is often not what was intended. Instead, use:

class Foo(object):
    def __init__(self, bar=None):
        if bar is None:
            bar = []
        bar.append('baz') = bar

Writing error messages

Comprehensive error messages can be a great way to inform users of what could have gone wrong. However, lengthy error messages can clutter code, and implicitly concatenated strings over multiple lines are frustrating to edit. To prevent this, use a separate triple-quoted string with escaped newlines to store the detailed explanation of your error. Keep a terse error message directly in the code though, so that someone reading the code still knows what the error is being raised for.

informative_error = """

You probably passed the wrong keyword argument, which caused this error. \
Please pass `b` instead of `{value}`, and have a look at the documentation \
of the `is_b` method for details."""

def is_b(value):
    """Raises an error if the value is not 'b'."""
    if value != 'b':
        raise ValueError("wrong value" + informative_error.format(value))
    return value

Unit testing

Blocks and Fuel use unit testing to ensure that individual parts of the library behave as intended. It’s also essential in ensuring that parts of the library are not broken by proposed changes. Since Blocks and Fuel were designed to be used together, it is important to make sure changes in Fuel do not break Blocks.

All new code should be accompanied by extensive unit tests. Whenever a pull request is made, the full test suite is run on Travis CI, and pull requests are not merged until all tests pass. Coverage analysis is performed using coveralls. Please make sure that at the very least your unit tests cover the core parts of your committed code. In the ideal case, all of your code should be unit tested.

If you are fixing a bug, please be sure to add a unit test to make sure that the bug does not get re-introduced later on.

The test suite can be executed locally using nose2 [1].

[1]For all tests but the doctests, nose can also be used.

Writing and building documentation

The documentation guidelines outline how to write documentation for Blocks and Fuel, and how to build a local copy of the documentation for testing purposes.

Internal API

The development API reference contains documentation on the internal classes that Blocks uses. If you are not planning on contributing to Blocks, have a look at the user API reference instead.


See the instructions at the bottom of the installation instructions.

Sending a pull request

See our pull request workflow for a refresher on the general recipe for sending a pull request to Blocks or Fuel.

Making a new release

Create an initial pull request and copy the following piece of markdown code. This pull request should only change the version number. Then, create a pull request to Fuel which refers the first PR. Follow the instruction carefully and check the boxes in process.

- **Stage 1**: Make changes in `master`:
  - [ ] Freeze other PRs.

        After we agreed to initiate the process of releasing a new version,
        other PRs shouldn't be merged.
  - [ ] Increase the version number counter of Blocks.

        Change the version number in `blocks/`.
  - [ ] Increase the version number counter of Fuel.

        Change the version number in `fuel/`.
- **Stage 2**: After two PRs merged to Blocks and Fuel:
  - [ ] Create a pull request to merge `master` into `stable`.

        Add a link to the initial PR in order not to get lost in the numerous
        pull requests.
  - [ ] Create a pull request to Fuel.

        This will be a corresponding PR to Fuel which merges its `master` into
        `stable`. Add a link to  the initial PR.
  - [ ] Check the Travis CI build log *on both the pull requests merging
        `master` into `stable`*.

        Read carefully the Travis CI messages, check that it tests the
        right version.
  - [ ] Check the Theano version.

        The `req*.txt` should refer the last development Theano version
        which is known not to have bugs.
  - [ ] Check the Fuel version in `req*.txt` files.

        We should reference the stable version of Fuel. It can be seen
        in the Travis CI output.
  - [ ] Merge Fuel pull request.
  - [ ] Merge this pull request.
- **Stage 3**: After the PRs are merged:
  - [ ] Wait the build to pass.
  - [ ] Check documentation build at ReadTheDocs.
  - [ ] Double check that the version corresponds `__version__`.
  - [ ] Create a release of Fuel by going to the
        [releases page]( and
        clicking "Draft new release".
  - [ ] Create a release of Blocks by going to the
        [releases page]( and
        clicking "Draft new release".